5G-DIVE: eDge Intelligence for Vertical Experimentation
5G-DIVE’s bespoke design is built around two main pillars, namely (1) endto- end 5G connectivity including 5G New Radio, Crosshaul transport and 5G Core, and (2) distributed edge and fog computing integrating intelligence located closely to the user. The latter pillar extends significantly beyond the EU- TWPhase- I 5G-CORAL solution framework by adding support for automation based on artificial intelligence and distributed ledger technologies. The targeted intelligent tailored design is envisioned to achieve optimized performance and thus boost significantly the business value proposition of 5G in each targeted vertical application. 5G-DIVE trials target pilots running for several weeks on the premises of the vertical applications in real-life testbeds in Europe and Taiwan, leveraging noticeably the European 5G end- to-end facilities from ICT-17 call and Taiwan’s testbed facilities.
Download presentation![](https://euprojects.netcom.it.uc3m.es/5g-dive/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/cropped-img1-3.jpg)
Project data
Nº Grant Agreement: 859881
Duration: 27 months
Start date: 01 Oct 2019
Estimated Project cost: 4.304.416,25€
Requested EU Contribution: 1.999.930€
A few things about us:
5G-DIVE Project is part of the 5G PPP
5G PPP is a joint initiative between the European Commission and European ICT industry (ICT manufacturers, telecommunications operators, service providers, SMEs and researcher Institutions).
5G-DIVE is 5G-CORAL evolution
Our goal: Design, validate and verify an intelligent 5G solution that integrates 5G connectivity with edge and fog computing (and intelligence residing on this new distributed edge).
5G-DIVE is partially funded by the European Union’s Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2020/TW joint action 5G-DIVE, under Grant Agreement no. 589881 and supervised by the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan (MOEA).
Project Leaflet and Poster
Download our Project Leaflet and Poster and learn about 5G-DIVE’s vision and how it evolves from 5G-CORAL, its preceeding project. This project will be developing and demonstrating its platform in two main vertical industry use cases: Industry 4.0 and Aotonomous Drone Scout. Find out more by clicking on the buttons below.
Our Team:
Dr. Antonio de la Oliva
Project Coordinator (PC)
University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M)
Dr. Hua-Lung Tsai
Taiwanese Coordinator
Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)
Dr. Alain Mourad
Technical Manager (Europe)
InterDigital Europe
Dr. Maria Yuang
Technical Manager (Taiwan)
National Chiao Tung University (NCTU)
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