Project Coordinator Arturo Azcorra discusses the present and future of 5G communications on radio program

Arturo Azcorra, Director of IMDEA Networks Institute, Full Professor at University Carlos III of Madrid and 5G-Crosshaul Coordinator, is interviewed, together with other ICT experts, on the topic of 5G communications, at the program «World Ecommerce» of the Spanish radio station «Radio Internacional de España».

The full 55 minute program was broadcast live on March 14th, 2017, from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm CEST. World E-Commerce is the only radio program in Spanish focused on cross-border e-commerce. It is broadcast in Spain, Argentina, Rumania, Italy, China, South Africa, Lithuania, Serbia, Mexico and Colombia.

5G-Crosshaul Plenary Meeting in Turin

The 5G-Crosshaul, The integrated fronthaul/backhaul, part of the European H2020 5G Public-Private Partnership (5G PPP) Infrastructure, held a Plenary Meeting in Turin on the 7th, 8th and 9th of March, 2017.

The 3 full day meeting in Telecom Italia has more than 50 experts from the 20 consortium members (leading telecom industry vendors, operators, IT companies, small and medium-sized enterprises and academic institutions) attending to share their visions and opinions in order to advance in the project objectives, milestones and deliverables.

Turin Collage

Demo: mmWave Backhaul/Fronthaul SDN/NFV at MWC´17

5G-Crosshaul partner CTTC presented a demo at the Mobile World Congress 2017.

The goal of this demo is to illustrate reliability through the SDN/NFV management and orchestration of constrained 5G backhaul/fronthaul infrastructures (mmWave,Wi-Fi) for the outdoor dense urban scenario. Particularly, this demo features the connection between two transport nodes were a mmWave link (IEEE 802.11ad) acts as primary link technology, whereas a Wi-Fi link (IEEE 802.11ac) acts as a secondary link technology to increase resilience. Forwarding behavior of both transport nodes are configured with Openflow and the configuration of heterogenenous wireless node resources are done through a RESTCONF interface. Network behavior (state, statistics) is monitorised by means of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) running as an SDN application in conjunction with the SDN controller.
In the demo, a 4K video file is transmitted between hosts connected to the transport nodes. Initially, this transmission is done through the mmWave link (primary link). In the event of a link failure, the transport node detecting this anomaly informs the SDN controller, which immediately after switches the transmission to the Wi-Fi link (secondary link). When the transport node reports the recovery of the primary link, the SDN switches again the transmission to the primary link. And all of this without any interruption in the 4K video streaming.


Watch Crosshaul Panel at MWC`17

Crosshaul – The Fusion of Fronthaul and Backhaul in 5G

Moderated by:

  • Alan Carlton
    Vice-President International Labs at InterDigital (UK)


  • Antonella Sanguineti
    Head of Opto & Fronthaul Products at Ericsson (Italy)
  • Arturo Azcorra
    Vice-President 5TONIC and 5G-Crosshaul Project Coordinator at IMDEA Networks (Spain)
  • Diego Lopez
    Senior Technology Expert at Telefonica (Spain)
  • Li Fung Chang
    Chief Architect at 5G Office (Taiwan)
  • Theodore Sizer
    Head of Mobile Radio Research at Nokia Bell Labs (USA)

5G-Crosshaul Panel at Mobile World Congress 2017

February 28 @ 11:00 – 12:00 : Hall 7 Stand 7C61C

Crosshaul – The fusion of Fronthaul and Backhaul in 5G!

Looking at various research and standardization forums leading the development of 5G, such as 5G-PPP, NGMN, 3GPP, IEEE, ITU, IETF, ETSI, etc., all seem to align on the vision that the fronthaul and backhaul will converge or fuse in 5G into what is now popularly referred to as Xhaul or Crosshaul. So what requirements are driving such a fusion in 5G? Which enabling technologies could make it happen? Where are the remaining gaps and what is the industry doing to make it happen? And when are we going to see it? Featuring leading experts in the industry, this panel aims at discussing the Crosshaul topic from the various angles of requirements, architecture, enabling technologies, standardization, and market deployment.

Cuadro MWC panel











For more information click here.

Plenary Meeting in Madrid. 50+ Experts discussing about the 5G-Crosshaul Project

The 5G-Crosshaul The integrated fronthaul/backhaul, part of the European H2020 5G Public-Private Partnership (5G PPP) Infrastructure, held a Plenary Meeting in Madrid on the 22nd, 23th and 24th of November, 2016.

The 3 full day meeting in Universidad Carlos III de Madrid has more than 50 experts from the 21 consortium members (leading telecom industry vendors, operators, IT companies, small and medium-sized enterprises and academic institutions) attending to share their visions and opinions in order to advance in the project objectives, milestones and deliverables.


5G-Crosshaul present at the 5G Global Event at Rome!


5G-Crosshaul presented 5 demos at the 5G Global Event:

1. 5G Crosshaul: mmW Integrated Fronthaul and Backhaul: Demonstration in 5G-Berlin Testbed of a long-range and reliable SDN-based mmW Mesh Transport System multiplexing packet-based Fronthaul and Backhaul traffic. A Next-Generation Fronthaul, based on a PDCP/RLC functional split, is transported over mmW in UDP/IP frames with less-demanding requirements compared to legacy CPRI-based fronthaul. A mmW link failure is triggered in the mesh that will reconfigure himself and recovery the disrupt traffic. In response to the link failure, backhaul traffic is routed via a secondary path where Fronthaul and Backhaul traffic are multiplexed over a single mmW link with no degradation to service. When the link is recovered, Fronthaul and Backhaul traffic return to their primary mmW route.

2. Energy monitoring and management for network paths: SDN application for the monitoring of power consumption, estimated based on traffic load statistics, in physical network nodes, network paths and tenants’ virtual infrastructures. The demo will also show the automated configuration of the network nodes’ power states depending on the connections dynamically activated on the network, switching on and off the emulated software-based switches for energy saving issues.

3. SDN-based TV Broadcasting Service: The demo presented a top layer application for video broadcasting. The application will feature monitoring functionality to control the broadcasting QoS and will be take advantage of new XCI to manage the network topology, build the broadcast tree and to adapt service provisioning to the network resources.

4. Silicon Photonic Reconfigurable Add Drop Multiplexer for Crosshaul networks: An optical switching device integrated in a single chip, able to perform channel add/drop, channel power regulation and channel path protection reducing of two order of magnitude the cost compared to the devices used in current optical networks. The introduction of this device enables the large scale deployment of C-RAN, over multiple fiber network topologies (bus, ring, tree) without impacting latency and bandwidth performance of time sensitive fronthaul channel.

5. Next Generation Frounthaul Interface over LED-based Optical Wireless Link: The demo presented a prototype implementation of a C-RAN solution utilizing a novel functional split set between RLC and PDCP protocols on the LTE radio protocol stack (3GPP Option 2). Thanks to reduced requirements of the new Ethernet-based fronthaul interface a live stream will be sent over a LED-based Wireless Optical Link connecting Distributed and Central Unit.

5G-Crosshaul at the Workshop on OpenDaylight and NFV/SDN Orchestration



Workshop Presentations

Arturo Azcorra 5G-Crosshaul Coordinator presented the Project in the EU-Korea 5G summit

Professor Arturo Azcorra, 5G-Crosshaul Coordinator, Chairman of the Expert Advisory Group of the NetWorld2020 European Technology Platform (ETP) and Vice chairman of the 5TONIC Lab, has been invited by the European Commission (EC) to join a European 5G scientific mission to Korea. Experts from both continents meet from 10th to 14th October to discuss the present and approaching future of 5G, the ultrafast mobile broadband technology that promises to become the most remarkable communications phenomenon of the decade.

For more information click here.