Towards Wifi Mobility without Fast Handover
WiFi is emerging as the preferred connectivity solution for mobile clients because of its low power consumption and high capacity. Dense urban WiFi deployments cover entire central areas, but the one thing missing is a seamless mobile experience. Mobility in WiFi has traditionally pursued fast handover, but we argue that this is the wrong goal to begin with. Instead, we propose that mobile clients should connect to all the access points they see, and split traffic over them with the newly deployed MPTCP protocol. We let a mobile connect to multiple APs on the same channel, or on different channels, and show via detailed experiments and simulation that this solution greatly enhances capacity and reliability of TCP connections straight away for certain flavors of WiFi a/b/g. We also find there are situations where connecting to multiple APs severely decreases throughput, and propose a series of client-side changes that make this solution robust across a wide range of scenarios.
Andrei Croitory, Dragos Niculescu and Costin Raiciu. Usenix NSDI 2015 Oakland, USA.