In-Network Processing, User-Level Stacks and the Future of Internet Evolution
In this position paper we take such an approach, and discuss two components we believe to be crucial to the future evolution of the Internet. First, we argue for user-level network stacks as a means to allow quicker and easier deployment of novel protocols. Second, we introduce the concept of in-network processing, whereby an operator deploys a set of (virtualized) platforms able to run their middlebox software as well as that of its customers and third-parties. Such platforms can be addressed explicitly, and allow the operators and end users to reason about the interaction between traffic, the middleboxes and network policies. In the rest of this short paper we outline the main principles behind each of these two proposals and our implementation
of them. We finish by addressing potential ways of going forward in order to improve the current state of affairs…..
Felipe Huici, Costin Raiciu and Michio Honda – position paper in the IAB Workshop on Stack Evolution in a Middlebox Internet (SEMI) 2015, Zurich, Switzerland.