Different Trilogy 2 partners will be presenting their work in this meeting (March 22-27)
Different Trilogy 2 partners will be presenting their work in this meeting (March 22-27)
Jitsu: Just-In-Time Summoning of Unikernels Network latency is a problem for all cloud services. It can be mitigated by moving computation out of remote datacenters by rapidly instantiating local services near the user. This requires an embedded cloud platform on which to deploy multiple applications securely and quickly. We present Jitsu, a new Xen toolstack […]
Queues Don’t Matter When You Can JUMP Them! QJUMP is a simple and immediately deployable approach to controlling network interference in datacenter networks. Network interference occurs when congestion from throughput-intensive applications causes queueing that delays traffic from latency-sensitive applications. To mitigate network interference, QJUMP applies Internet QoS-inspired techniques to datacenter applications. Each application is assigned […]
Cutting Tail Latency in Cloud Data Stores via Adaptive Replica Selection Achieving predictable performance is critical for many distributed applications, yet difficult to achieve due to many factors that skew the tail of the latency distribution even in well-provisioned systems. In this paper, we present the fundamental challenges involved in designing a replica selection scheme […]
InNet: Enabling in-network processing for the masses Network Function Virtualization is pushing network operators to deploy commodity hardware that will be used to run middlebox functionality and processing on behalf of third parties: in effect, network operators are slowly but surely becoming in-network cloud providers. The market for innetwork clouds is large, ranging from content […]
Trilogy 2: creating and controlling cross-dimensional liquidity in the Internet Trilogy 2 looks at three main forms of resource liquidity: bandwidth, storage and processing. We draw on existing approaches such as MPTCP and ConEx as well as emerging techniques like NFV and cloud orchestration. From the start we aim to create secure, reliable and trustworthy […]
Towards the Superfluid Cloud Traditionally, the number of VMs running on a server and how quickly these can be migrated has been less than optimal mostly because of the memory and CPU requirements imposed on the system by the full-fledged OSes that the VMs run. More recently, work towards VMs based on minimalistic or specialized […]
Towards Massive Server Consolidation F. Manco, J. Martins. F. Huici. Presentation. Aug-2014. Xen Developers Summit 2014, XPDS14