Trilogy 2 partners met in Bucarest (21-23 October)
Using Cooperation for Low Power Low Latency Cellular Connectivity Mobile devices today rely on cellular (3G or LTE) connectivity be-cause it has ubiquitous coverage. Unfortunately cellular links are energy hungry at low bit-rates and have high round-trip times after idle periods. These characteristics punish common mobile applica-tions such as web browsing and streaming, decreasing battery […]
Trilogy 2 organizes the T2 Operators Workshop event co-located with the GORE’14 meeting that the ESNOG (Spanish Network Operators Group) organizes every year. More details can be obtained here: ESNOG link
HACK: Hierarchical ACKs for Efficient Wireless Medium Utilization WiFi’s physical layer has increased in speed from 802.11b’s 11 Mbps to the Gbps rates of emerging 802.11ac. Despite these gains, WiFi’s inefficient MAC layer limits achievable end-to-end throughput. The culprit is 802.11’s mandatory idle period before each medium acquisition, which has come to dwarf the duration […]
FUBAR: Flow Utility BAsed Routing. We present FUBAR, a system that reduces congestion and maximizes the utility of the entire network by installing new routes and changing the traffic load on existing ones. FUBAR works offline to periodically adjust the distribution of traffic on paths. It requires neither changes to end hosts nor precise prior […]
Different Trilogy 2 partners will be presenting their work in this meeting (November 9-14, 2014)