5G-TRANSFORMER project has held the WWRF Workshop “Ready ’n’ Go–5G trials and testbeds” in Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.

5G-TRANSFORMER co-organises the First Workshop on Control and management of Vertical slicing including the Edge and Fog Systems (COMPASS)

Barcelona, April 15-18, 2018 @ First Workshop on Control and management of Vertical slicing including the Edge and Fog Systems (COMPASS)

5G-TRANSFORMER co-organises the First Workshop on Control and management of Vertical slicing including the Edge and Fog Systems (COMPASS)


Paper Submission Deadline: November 2nd, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: December 15th, 2017
Camera-ready version: January 12, 2018


  • Architectures/Protocols/API specifications to allocate Verticals/networks on top of single and/or multi-domain mobile Transport networks
  • Business mechanisms and economic framework for network slicing
  • Scalable and secure MANO-based deployments models
  • Multi-domain service and resource federation
  • Network/Vertical service descriptors
  • Virtualization in multi-domain environments
  • Integration of network and IT resources
  • Vertical/network slice isolation (security threats and performance isolation)
  • inter-slice communication (security threats and control mechanisms)
    Virtualization/containerization of vertical/network functions/slices/microservices
  • Monitoring of vertical/network functions/slices/microservices
  • Flexible control/data plane splits and fronthaul splits
  • Runtime allocation of resources to vertical/network functions/slices/microservices
  • Runtime placement of vertical/network functions/slices/microservices
  • Enforcement of orchestration policies for the interaction between services/microservices within a slice
  • Local breakout/MEC/fog/cloudlets
  • Experimentation and lessons learnt with orchestration frameworks (CORD, ONAP, Open-O, OSM, Cloudify, OpenBaton, Istio) in mobile transport networks
  • Experimental mobile transport testbeds including network and IT resources
  • Experimental Network/Vertical slice measurements
  • Coexistence and migration of legacy operational networks towards slice substrates
  • Standardization efforts on network slicing (ETSI, IETF, 3GPP, BBF, ONF, etc.)

For more information click here.

5G-TRANSFORMER Coordinator at Taipei 5G Summit

Arturo Azcorra, full professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Institute IMDEA Networks director and one of the leading European experts in the fifth generation of mobile communication networks (5G), had been invited by the 5G Office of the Ministry of Economy of Taiwan to participate in the 4th Taipei 5G Summit “The Power of New Radio & Edge Intelligence”.

Arturo Azcorra, 5G-TRANSFORMER coordinator, presented 5G-Crosshaul Architecture, a key element of the 5G architecture at a global level that has being developed in this European project and is the basis of two other European projects: 5G-TRANSFORMER and 5G-CORAL.

The guest speaker program places Dr. Azcorra with other world 5G communications experts such as Dr. Ali Sadri, Senior Director of Intel, Pearse O’Donohue, Acting Director of Future Networks at DG Connect and Luis Jorge Romero, Director of ETSI.

Arturo Azcorra has an important role in European decision-making bodies working on the design of advanced next generation communication systems. He is Chairman of the European Technology Platform NetWorld2020 Expert Group, Member of the Board and Member of the Vision Group within the Infrastructure Partnership 5G, Vice President of 5TONIC Lab and Director of IMDEA Networks. The Institute is an associate member of the 5G PPP, an association that Azcorra helped to found, having been a member of its board during its initial period (2013-2015).

The fourth edition of the Taipei 5G summit took place in Taiwan the 12th and 13th of September 2017, in conjunction with the 21st World Information Technology Congress (WCIT). The summit introduced the current global 5G status and the development on Edge Computing, by bringing in notable industry specialists to share their vision on Edge Intelligence and the roadmap to 5G. In addition to how edge computing and applications will be enhanced in the 5G era, there was a stimulating panel discussion on topics as Automotive applications, IIoT, 5G Access, and how 5G collaboration with European standard institutes can contribute to realizing Edge Intelligence.


5G-TRANSFORMER Press Release

European Industrial and Academic Partners Join to Develop a  5G Mobile Transport Platform for Verticals

The 5G-TRANSFORMER project, part of the European H2020 5G Public Private Partnership (5G-PPP) Infrastructure, will define and develop an innovative 5G Mobile Transport Network Platform aimed at supporting vertical industries (particularly focusing on low latency) through flexible slicing and federation of resources across multiple domains.

Madrid, Spain – June 2017

A consortium of European industrial and academic partners launched its activities towards the development of a Software Defined Networking/Network Function Virtualization-based 5G Mobile Transport and Computing Platform. The consortium, 5G-TRANSFORMER, targets support of multiple vertical tenants with a diverse set of networking and computing requirements, from industries including automotive, healthcare, and media. The consortium comprises 18 partners, including leading international vendors (NEC, Ericsson, Nokia, InterDigital), operators (Orange, Telefonica), vertical industries (CRF – The Research Center of FCA, ATOS, Ayuntamiento de Madrid), SMEs (Nextworks, Mirantis), and research institutes and universities (b<>com, University Carlos III of Madrid, CTTC, Politecnico di Torino, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Eurecom, ITRI (Taiwan)). The 30-month project, which started on 1st June 2017, received a grant of 7.98 M€ from the European Commission.

The 5G-TRANSFORMER concept originates from enabling standard technological frameworks for slicing, namely Network Function Virtualization (NFV), Software Defined Networking (SDN), and Mobile Edge Computing (MEC). The networking and computing fabric aggregates and federates multiple domains and infrastructure providers into a single platform where multiple transport slices will be created and managed. The 5G-TRANSFORMER project will leverage on the solutions developed in the H2020 5G-PPP phase-1 projects, such as 5G-Crosshaul and 5GEx.

5G-TRANSFORMER envisions three main architectural building blocks, which are Vertical Slicer for supporting the creation and management of slices to verticals; Service Orchestrator for end-to-end service orchestration and federation of resources from multiple domains; and MTP as the underlying integrated fronthaul and backhaul transport. The project will focus on the following activities to accelerate the deployment of mobile transport network slices tailored to vertical industries (with special focus on low latency):

  • Develop the mobile transport network slicing mechanisms for enabling dynamic creation and management of slices for vertical industries through abstraction, simple interfaces and service blueprints.
  • Evolve the 5GEx cross-domain orchestration and federation mechanisms and apply them to the mobile transport network, considering interworking with the domains of vertical industries.
  • Augment the current design of the underlying 5G-Crosshaul transport network by integrating emerging MEC service platform deemed necessary for the support of vertical industries.

The concept will be designed, developed and demonstrated for three vertical industries: eHealth, Automotive, and Media & Entertainment, in addition to the more conventional mobile (virtual) network operator scenario. Trials are scheduled at different test beds in Europe during the course of the project in 2018 and 2019.

For more information, please contact:

Project Coordinator:

Arturo Azcorra (azcorra@it.uc3m.es)

Technical Manager:

Xavier Costa  (xavier.costa@neclab.eu)

Project Web Page:


Social media:

Twitter and Instagram: @5g_transformer

LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/5g-transformer-eu-project-a05311144/

YouTube: https://goo.gl/uB5TlL


5G-TRANSFORMER: 5G Mobile Transport Platform for Verticals presented the project at the EuCNC Special Session 9 . The purpose of this workshop was to introduce the new Phase 2 5G-PPP projects and give information on the topics and challenges they will address.

5G-TRANSFORMER Kick-off Meeting

The 5G-TRANSFORMER: 5G Mobile Transport Platform for Verticals, part of the European H2020 5G Public-Private Partnership (5G PPP) Infrastructure, held the Kick-off in Kista, Stockholm on the 1st and 2nd of June, 2017.

The 5G-TRANSFORMER consortium comprises 18 partners, including leading international vendors (NEC, Ericsson, Nokia, InterDigital), operators (Orange, Telefonica), vertical industries (Centro Ricerche Fiat, ATOS, Ayuntamiento de Madrid), SMEs (Nextworks, Mirantis), and research institutes and universities (b<>com, University Carlos III of Madrid, CTTC, Politecnico di Torino, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Eurecom, ITRI (Taiwan)).