PhD Position 5 – University of Cambridge (UK)

Host institution
University of Cambridge
36 months
Start date
January 14

Project title: Graph Data Anonymization, and re-identification metrics SDN.

Supervisor name: Dr Andrew Moore.same or someone with the same level of experience and/or expertise.

PhD enrolment: Y

Objectives: Software defined networking (SDN), e.g. via Openflow, provides a new opportunity to control and extend networks, and has been enabled by such flexible prototypes as the NetFPGA platform. Extending the NetFPGA SDN with measurement primitives will be core to this effort.

Tasks and methodology:

  • Acquiring skills in SDN, Openflow and NetFPGA platform. Y1
  • Specifying metrics&workloads for monitoring requirements in Data Centers. Y1/Y2
  • Performane Evaluation of Capabilities for monitoring based control Y2/Y3.

Results: An extension of the SDN and OpenFLow Architectures to make monitoring a first class component of the system. A performance evaluation of such an architecture in the context of realistic data center workloads and requirements.

Thi task will contribute to identify the requirements for large data set and requirements for processing in relationship with SDN as tool.

This task will also contribute to initial usage of measurements by applications which will provide the definition of mechanisms to use measurement information by applications

Dissemination: Typically contribute to standards. Publications targeted for IMC, SIGMETRICS and NSDI.
Planned secondment: Telefonica.

The ESR will benefit from cooperation with TID and their experience in network monitoring and data acquisition from real mobile networks.