PhD Position 2 – Aalto University (Finland)

Host institution
36 months
Start date
January 14

Project title: Mobile data analysis

Supervisor name: Prof. Jörg Ott or someone with the same level of experience and/or expertise.

PhD enrolment: Y

Objectives: This task will develop mechanisms for offline and online analysis of the extensive netradar (and other available) measurement data.

Tasks and methodology:
characterizing wireless network performance and understanding impact factors modelling elements of user behaviour following up from the traces,

Results: The results should we used to assess user experience under different conditions to infer QoE metrics and devise ideas for improving protocol and service design. The results obtained should identify objectively measureable network parameters closely related to QoE.
This task will contribute to measurements using new methods which will be carried out in cooperation with UC3M.

Dissemination: 1 to 2 publications per year to either conferences, magazine or journals; contribution to standards

Planned secondment: Elisa (3 months) to gain insight into Internet traffic and performance issues from an operator perspective, possibly with access to internal measurement data, NEC (3 months) to gain further insights into data processing and analysis for network performance characterization