Marie Curie ITN METRICS (/metrics/) invites applications for 13 PhD positions and 1 post-doc position in the broad area of Internet measurements within following partners and associate institutions (for details about the open positions please see /metrics/category/positions/):
- Aalto University, Espoo-Finland
- University Carlos III, Madrid-Spain
- University Cambridge, Cambridge-UK
- University Catholique Louvain-la-Neuve, Louvain-Belgium
- NEC, Heidelberg-Germany
- Ericsson Research Finland, Kirkkonummi-Finland
- Telefonica, Barcelona-Spain
All the positions are full time and fixed term for three years (PhD positions) or two years (post-doc position). Starting time is in March 2014. The research areas include for example: high speed fixed network measurement; large-scale mobile network active and passive measurement; data centre measurement; data analysis and modelling; quality of experience; privacy-preserving sharing of traffic measurements; impact of machine-to-machine traffic; measurement enhanced network management.
METRICS’s summer schools and boot camps, which are offered to all the appointed candidates, are an excellent possibility to access training and expertise across key underpinning skills. The skills include software and hardware measurement techniques, statistical methodologies, and security and privacy, encompassing legal and policy aspects of network measurement.
Unlike typical PhD and post-doc positions, METRICS will give each of its candidates the unique opportunity to experience working for a varied set of institutions, both in academia and industry, and different research environments and with different supervisors. In addition to their host institution, METRICS candidates will spend a period of 3 months at another METRICS partner, and 3 months at least in one of the METRICS associate partner institution: Narus, British Telecom, IIJ, Elisa, SamKnows or RIPE.
Coming into direct contact with a number of world-renowned researchers in the field will not only contribute to a high-quality training experience but will also form important links crucial to the candidates’ future professional career. Prior experience amongst the partners shows that this type of research organisation has the potential to massively boost the effectiveness and impact of results by access to a range of expertise, facilities and data. This represents a unique environment in the world, for young researchers interested in Internet Measurement.
Marie Curie rules: According to Marie Curie fellowship rules, at the time of recruitment by a partner (1) a qualified candidate will have a maximum of 5 years of research/work experience since obtaining the degree which formally allows him/her to embark on a doctorate; (2) he/she must not have resided or carried out main activity in country applied for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to recruitment to this project.