iJOIN Winter School 2015 videos now available

iJOIN Winter School 2015 talks have been published in iJOIN’s Youtbe channel.

Welcome – Armin Dekorsy

iJOIN Welcome – Albert Banchs

iJOIN System Concept – Peter Rost

Extending the data cloud with millimeter wave wireless links – Thomas Haustein

results from FP7 MiWEBA-Project

Functional Split Options for Centralized RAN with Imperfect Backhaul – Andreas Maeder

Joint RAN/backhaul optimization for heterogeneous cellular networks – Antonio De Domenico

PHY Processing for Small Cell Cooperative Networks – Dirk Wuebben

C-RAN fronthaul: Options, benefits and challenges – Aleksandra Checko

Communication Complexity – Peter Rost

Joint optimization of radio/computing resources for distributed mobile-edge computing – Sergio Barbarossa

Opportunistic resource allocation in dense cellular networks – Vincenzo Mancuso

Distributed Mobility Management for future 5G networks – Carlos Bernardos Cano

Small Cell Forum Advances wihtin Network Virtualization – Clare Somerville

Agile Cloud supporting the Tactile Internet – Frank Fitzek

Mobile Cloud Networking – Thomas Bohnert

Evolution of cloud computing towards 5G – Marco Di Girolamo

Posted in News

Project Coordinator

Dr. Albert Banchs Institute IMDEA Networks Leganés, Spain email: albert.banchsimdea.org

Technical Manager

Dr. Peter Rost NEC Labs Europe Heidelberg, Germany email: Peter.Rostneclab.eu


  1. iJOIN ICT project
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no FP7-317941