
Press releases


Journal papers:

  • E. Pateromichelakis, M. Shariat, A. Ul Quddus and R. Tafazolli, “Graph-based Multi-cell Scheduling for Weighted Capacity Maximization in Small Cells”,  IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications (submitted)
  • M. Cardone, D. Tuninetti, R. Knopp and U. Salim, “On the Gaussian Half-Duplex Relay Channel“, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory
  • A. De Domenico, V. Savin and D. Ktenas, “Cell Selection for Joint Optimization of the Radio Access and Backhaul in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks”, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications (submitted)
  • J. Ortin, J. R. Gállego and M. Canales, “Joint route selection and resource allocation in multihop wireless networks based on a game theoretic approach“, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 11, Issue 8, Nov. 2013, pp. 2203–2216
  • E. Katranaras, E. Pateromichelakis and M. A. Imran, “Enhancing Performance in Dense Small Cell Networks: Towards Cooperation in the Cloud Submitted”, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (submitted)
  • P. Rost, C. J. Bernardos, A. De Domenico, M. Di Girolamo, M. Lalam, A. Maeder, D. Sabella, D. Wübben, “Cloud Technologies for Flexible 5G Radio Access Networks”, IEEE Communications Magazine (accepted)
  • D. Wübben,  P. Rost, J. Bartelt, M. Lalam, V. Savin, M. Gorgoglione and A. Dekorsy, “Benefits and Impact of Cloud Computing on 5G Signal Processing”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (submitted)
  • M. Shariat, A. Ul Quddus and R. Tafazolli, “Joint Inband Backhaul and Access Optimization in Dense Small Cell Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (submitted)
  • F. Giust, A. de la Oliva and C.J. Bernardos, “Analytic Evaluation and Experimental Validation of a Network-based IPv6 Distributed Mobility Management Solution”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (submitted)
  • C.J. Bernardos, A. de la Oliva, P. Serrano, A. Banchs, L.M. Contreras, H. Jin and J.C. Zúñiga, “An Architecture for Software Defined Wireless Networking”, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine (Special Issue on Research & Standards: Leading the Evolution of Telecom Network Architectures) (submitted)
  • RAS Cluster, A. Banchs and P. Rost, “5G Radio Network Architecture”, White Paper by RAS Cluster


Standardisation activities


  • Requirements for Distributed Mobility Management, draft-ietf-dmm-requirements-09. Editor: H. Chan (Huawei Technologies); Co-author: Carlos J. Bernardos (UC3M).
  • Distributed Mobility Management: Current practices and gap analysis, draft-ietf-dmm-best-practices-gap-analysis-02.Editor: D. Liu (China Mobile); Co-author: Carlos J. Bernardos (UC3M).
  • Mobile Communication Congestion Exposure Scenario, draft-ietf-conex-mobile-02. Authors: D. Kutscher, F. Mir, R. Winter (NEC); Carlos J. Bernardos (UC3M).


  • The project has also contributed to ONF, 3GPP and ITU. However, these contributions have not been included here due to the confidentiality of the information.

Workshop Panels

  • First International Workshop on Cloud-Processing in Heterogeneous Mobile Communication Networks (website)
  • First International Workshop on Cloud Technologies and Energy Efficiency in Mobile Communication Networks (website)
  • Second International Workshop on Cloud Technologies and Energy Efficiency in Mobile Communication Networks (website)

Project Coordinator

Dr. Albert Banchs Institute IMDEA Networks Leganés, Spain email: albert.banchsimdea.org

Technical Manager

Dr. Peter Rost NEC Labs Europe Heidelberg, Germany email: Peter.Rostneclab.eu


  1. iJOIN ICT project
    iJOIN ICT project: Cover Story: Moving Images https://t.co/ylNsJT4sU3 via @newyorker

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    iJOIN ICT project: Google Just Open Sourced the Artificial Intelligence Engine at the Heart of Its Online Empire https://t.co/kwfOyZy9S4 via @WIRED

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    iJOIN ICT project: Explore New Horizons' nine-year journey to Pluto http://t.co/FKBo391ReR

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no FP7-317941