Bachelor, Master and PhD Thesis

A number of students pursued or are currently pursuing their degrees in the framework of 5G-TRANSFORMER. This page is divided in two sections, depending on the status:


  • Presented/finalized:


Presentation date


PhD Thesis

Nov 2019 “Implementation and Experimental Evaluation Of a Virtualised 5GNetwork
for URRLC Services”, Francesco Giannone.

PhD Thesis

Oct 2019 “Development of a prototype 5G RAN orchestrator”

Master Thesis

Jun 2019 “5G network slicing with 802.11 access networks”.

Master Thesis

Jun 2019 “Analysis of the impact in an operator network to deploy latencysensitive applications/services using 5G technologies”. 

Master Thesis

Jun 2019 “Study of anti-congestion algorithms for autonomous and connected vehicles.” 

Master Thesis

Jun 2019 “C-V2X Applications for a 5G network testbed exploiting OpenAirInterface framework and Multi-Access Edge Computing”.

PhD Thesis

Apr 2019 “Resource orchestration in softwarised networks”, Silvia Fichera.

PhD Thesis

Mar 2019 “Enhanced Connectivity in wireless mobile programmable networks”, Luca Cominardi.

Master Thesis

Nov 2018 “Graphical interface for an SDN monitoring platform”, Hagos Lemlem Adhane.

Bachelor Thesis

Oct 2017 (Spanish) “Análisis de un orquestador NFV/SDN para redes de operador”, Cristian Arribas.

Bachelor Thesis

Oct 2017 (Spanish) “Service Function Chaining en NFV: Evaluación práctica con OpenStack”,  Javier Bautista.

Master Thesis

Sep 2017 “Multi-domain VNF mapping algorithms”,  Jorge Martin-Perez.


  • In preparation:



PhD Thesis

“NFV for automotive services in 5G”.

PhD Thesis

“Network virtualization and 5G services”.

Master Thesis

“Kubernetes as a Virtual Infrastructure Manager (VIM) for MEC”.

Master Thesis

“Connected cars and traffic flow control”.

Master Thesis

“Design and Performance evaluation of Java based virtualized network resource Orchestrator”.

Master Thesis

“5G for automotive applications”.

PhD Thesis

“Design and optimization of solutions for discovery and federation for NFV in edge & fog scenarios”, Jorge Martin-Perez. 

PhD Thesis

“Mechanisms to integrate and enhance NFV and MEC”, Kiril Antevski. 

PhD Thesis

Development of an Orchestrator interface for OpenAirInterface 5G (OAI). POLITO