5G-TRANSFORMER’s contributions to Innovation Radar

The Innovation Radar is an initiative supported by the European Commission focusing on the identification of high potential innovations and the key innovators behind them in Horizon 2020 projects.

5G-Transformer have deployed thirteen innovations presenting exploitation opportunities in and beyond the project lifetime. Among these, four innovations have been identified as the most relevant and submitted to the Innovation Radar process:

  • 5G-TRANSFORMER Architecture
  • Abstraction Module for Mobile Transport and Computing Platform (5GT-MTP)
  • Vertical Slicer
  • Service Manager

The following table reports the thirteen innovations including the relevant short descriptions. Each innovation is also associated to at least one owner in the consortium. The owner has identified a market potential in the innovation, possibly in cooperation with other partners of the consortium.

5G-TRANSFORMER Architecture – NEC

Novel architecture extending ETSI MANO based on two new functional building blocks, 5GT-VS and 5GT-SO, interworking with the 5GT-MTP extended from H2020 5G-Crosshaul.

Slicing for Vertical Services – Nokia

A system allowing the creation of vertical suited slices including integrated fronthaul/backhaul and computing resources (e.g. MEC/Cloud Services), using ETSI NFV NSDs as network slice templates.

MTP Single Logical Point of Contact – Ericsson and Centre Tecnològic Telecomunicacions Catalunya

The 5GT-MTP is a novel building block, in the ETSI architecture, that operates as a single logical point of contact and resources orchestrator to manage the combined complexity of transport, radio, and datacenters, and abstracting such resources towards the 5GT-SO. 5GT-MTP manages multi-domain transport, multiple radio split options and multiple VIMs.

5GT-MTP platform for supporting MEC services – EURECOM

Integration and deployment of the MEP in an NFV environment at the 5GT-MTP and abstraction of the MEC resources toward the 5GT- SO.

Abstraction Module for 5GT-MTP – Ericsson and Centre Tecnològic Telecomunicacions Catalunya

Abstraction functions module allowing to keep scalability and stability of the solution, while guaranteeing the resources optimization, where the resource domains are heterogeneous in technology.

Arbitrator – Politecnico di Torino

The arbitrator has the role of prioritizing resources among vertical service instances and mapping them to multiple deployment options.

Translator – Nextworks

Usage of translation rules to bridge among the abstract view of verticals and the specific definition of network slices.

Network Slice Manager- B-COM

Network Slice Manager, with the use case NSaaS and the management of the network slices.

Vertical Slicer – Nextworks

5GT-VS allows verticals to define their service based on a catalogue of blueprints defined by the service provider or infrastructure operator and mapping them to network slice instances according to SLA requirements.

Service Monitoring Platform – Nexworks

Service monitoring platform for providing monitoring services including definition service-specific monitoring metrics and their provision to verticals and mobile network operators. Integration of this service as part of distributed cloud services/MEC.

Enhanced Service Orchestrator for heterogeneous infrastructures Mirantis

Enhanced service orchestrator platform able to support heterogeneous technologies like MEC, various cloud infrastructures, including both private and public clouds, integration of cloud and WAN transport technologies by development of the appropriate MEC/WIM/VIM plugins.

Federation – Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo

Federation mechanisms between 5G-TRANSFORMER platforms owned by different administrative domains and integration of vertical provided infrastructure through abstraction, advertising and interfaces.

Service Manager – NEC and Centre Tecnològic Telecomunicacions Catalunya

The Service Manager is a key building block of the Service Orchestrator. It receives requests by the vertical slicer and takes decisions to best serve them, interacting with the 5GT-MTP to gather available resources data and to provision the network resources selected by the placement algorithm.

Visit Information Radar’s webpage through this link.