5G-TRANSFORMER using OSM to allow service providers to automatically deploy 5G network services

The 5G-TRANSFORMER project has selected OpenSourceMANO (ETSI OSM) to be integrated within the 5GT-SO module to show the capabilities of this module to interoperate with multiple open source orchestration platforms and to exploit their services. More specifically, 5G- TRANSFORMER uses OSM as one of its MANO platforms inside the 5GT-SO to allow 5G- TRANSFORMER service providers to automatically deploy 5G network services providing the capability of managing their life-cycle over a distributed and multi-tenant Cloud infrastructure. OSM is integrated inside the Service Orchestrator through a wrapper to handle the network service workflow process and the translation/adaptation of network service descriptions and parameters as far as cloud resources are concerned. In this respect, it interacts with the underlying cloud resources that are then stitched with WAN and other cloud resources by the 5GT-SO.

Code available at: /5g-transformer/dissemination/open-source/

Project Partners: University Carlos III of Madrid, NEC Laboratories Europe, Ericsson, Atos Spain S.A, Nokia Networks, InterDigital, Telefonica I+D, Orange, Centro Richerche Fiat, Samur, BCom, Nextworks, Mirantis, Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Politecnico di Torino, Eurecom, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (SSSA) and Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI).

Source: https://osm.etsi.org/wikipub/index.php/Research