5G-TRANSFORMER in Madrid Golf Open 2019

In the context of the 5G-Transformer project ATOS has been implementing a Proof of Concept (POC) to demonstrate how new network capabilities brought by 5G, provide an entirely new way for consumers to interact with immersive media contents in the         context of a large-scale sport event. High definition streaming services provided by ATOS have been virtualized as a 5G-TRANSFORMER Vertical Slicer (5GT-VS) and orchestrated by the 5G-TRANSFORMER Orchestrator (5GT-SO) so to be deployed at the edge with an abstraction of network and compute configuration parameters. 5G-TRANSFORMER technologies have enabled ATOS, as media application operator, to access to a whole range of multimedia processing and interaction executed in a more distributed way closer to the users while the full infrastructure stack is governed,  monitored and the resources (hardware and software) are automatically scaled.

ATOS at “The Mutuactivos Open de España” (which took place from the 3rd to 6th of October at the Club de Campo Villa de Madrid: https://mutuactivosopen.com/informacion/?lang=en), has been delivering a novel and engaging media solution relied on 5G that merged dissimilar technological concepts such as 5G technologies, cloud-native approach for edge deployments and 4K/360-degree adaptive video streaming to achieve a highly-customizable video streaming experience on an orchestrated 5G network.