5G-TRANSFORMER co-organises the First Workshop on Control and management of Vertical slicing including the Edge and Fog Systems (COMPASS)

Barcelona, April 15-18, 2018 @ First Workshop on Control and management of Vertical slicing including the Edge and Fog Systems (COMPASS)

5G-TRANSFORMER co-organises the First Workshop on Control and management of Vertical slicing including the Edge and Fog Systems (COMPASS)


Paper Submission Deadline: November 2nd, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: December 15th, 2017
Camera-ready version: January 12, 2018


  • Architectures/Protocols/API specifications to allocate Verticals/networks on top of single and/or multi-domain mobile Transport networks
  • Business mechanisms and economic framework for network slicing
  • Scalable and secure MANO-based deployments models
  • Multi-domain service and resource federation
  • Network/Vertical service descriptors
  • Virtualization in multi-domain environments
  • Integration of network and IT resources
  • Vertical/network slice isolation (security threats and performance isolation)
  • inter-slice communication (security threats and control mechanisms)
    Virtualization/containerization of vertical/network functions/slices/microservices
  • Monitoring of vertical/network functions/slices/microservices
  • Flexible control/data plane splits and fronthaul splits
  • Runtime allocation of resources to vertical/network functions/slices/microservices
  • Runtime placement of vertical/network functions/slices/microservices
  • Enforcement of orchestration policies for the interaction between services/microservices within a slice
  • Local breakout/MEC/fog/cloudlets
  • Experimentation and lessons learnt with orchestration frameworks (CORD, ONAP, Open-O, OSM, Cloudify, OpenBaton, Istio) in mobile transport networks
  • Experimental mobile transport testbeds including network and IT resources
  • Experimental Network/Vertical slice measurements
  • Coexistence and migration of legacy operational networks towards slice substrates
  • Standardization efforts on network slicing (ETSI, IETF, 3GPP, BBF, ONF, etc.)

For more information click here.