# Month Description Leading Partner
62 Sep’16 “Network Requirements for Latency-Critical Services in a Full Cloud Deployment”, Stefan Höst et al, SoftCom’16. ULUND
61 Jul’17 “Energy Consumption Measurements in Docker, by S. S. Tadesse,” F. Malandrino and C. F. Chiasserini (IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), Turin, pp. 272-273) POLITO
60 Sept’17 “Experimental Validation of a Converged Metro Architecture for Transparent Mobile Front-/Back-Haul Traffic Delivery using SDN-enabled Sliceable Bitrate Variable Transceivers,” by J. M. Fabrega, M. Svaluto Moreolo, L. Nadal, F. J. Vílchez, R. Casellas, R. Vilalta, R. Martínez, R. Muñoz, J. P. Fernández-Palacios, L. M. Contreras (European Conference on Optical Communications, ECOC 2017) CTTC, TID
 59  Jul’17 Mobile Front-/Back-Haul Delivery in Elastic Metro/Access Networks with Sliceable Transceivers based on OFDM Transmission and Direct Detection“, by J. M. Fabrega, M. Svaluto Moreolo, L. Nadal, F.J. Vílchez, J.P. Fernández-Palacios and L.M. Contreras (International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2017)  CTTC, TID
 58  Jul’17 “Control Plane Architectures Enabling Transport Network Adaptive and Autonomic Operation,” by R. Casellas, R. Vilalta, A. Mayoral, R. Martínez, R. Muñoz and L.M. Contreras (International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2017)  CTTC, TID
57 May’17 “Traffic adaptive formation of mmWave meshed backhaul networks,” by H. Ogawa, G. K. Tran, K. Sakaguchi, and T. Haustein (IEEE Conf. on Communications ICC Workshop) HHI
56 Sep’17 Delay analysis of mixed fronhaul and backhaul traffic under strict priority queueing discipline in a 5G packet transport network“, by G. O. Perez, J. A. Hernandez, and D. L. Lopez (IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband ICUWB’2017) UC3M
55 Nov’17 Resource Management in a Hierarchically Controlled Multi-domain Wireless/Optical Integrated Fronthaul and Backhaul Network“, by J. Baranda, J. Nunez-Martınez, Inaki Pascual, J. Mangues-Bafalluy, A. Mayoral, R. Casellas, R. Vilalta, R. Martınez, R. Munoz, J. X. Salvat, A. Garcia-Saavedra, X. Li, J. Kocur (IEEE NFV-SDN conference, Demo Paper) CTTC, NEC, CND
54 Nov’17 Hybrid SDN: Evaluation of the impact of an unreliable control channel“, by M. Osman, J. Nunez-Martınezy and J. Mangues-Bafalluyz (IEEE NFV-SDN’17 NFVPN Workshop) CTTC
53 Nov’17 “Quality Probe for Testing Multimedia Content in 5G Networks”, by J.P. López, D. Jiménez, C. Navarro, J.A. Rodrigo, J.M. Menéndez, and N. Sánchez (NEM Summit 2017) VISIONA
52 Sept´17 Transport Network Design for FrontHaul”, by P. Sehier, A. Bouillard, F. Mathieu and T. Deiß, to appear in Proc. 3rd IEEE Workshop on Next Generation Backhaul/Fronthaul Networks (BackNets), Sept. 2017, Toronto, Canada. NOK-N
51 Aug´17 Characterizing Docker Overhead in Mobile Edge Computing Scenarios”, by G. Avino, M. Malinverno, F. Malandrino, C. Casetti, C.F. Chiasserini, to appear in Proc. ACM SIGCOMM HotConNet, Aug. 2017, Los Angeles, USA. POLITO
50 Jul´17 Mobile Front-/Back-Haul Delivery in Elastic Metro/Access Networks with Sliceable Transceivers based on OFDM Transmission and Direct Detection” by J.M. Fabrega, M. Svaluto Moreolo, L. Nadal, F.J. Vílchez, J.P. Fernández-Palacios, and L.M. Contreras, to appear in Proc. International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), July 2017, Girona, Spain. CTTC, TID
49 Jul´17 Real Time Demonstration of Fronthaul Transport over a Mix of Analog & Digital RoF”, by Z. Tayq, L. Anet Neto, F. Saliou, C. Aupetit-Berthelemot, J. Gomes, T. Haustein, M. Lacouche, J. Plumecoq, L. Bellot, and P. Chanclou, to appear in Proc. International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), July 2017, Girona, Spain. Orange
48 Jul´17 Sharing of Crosshaul Networks via a Multi-Domain Exchange Environment for 5G Services”, by L. M. Contreras Murillo, C. J. Bernardos Cano, A. Oliva, and X. Costa-Pérez, to appear in Proc. MPNSV workshop, 3rd IEEE Conf. on Network Softwarization (NetSoft’17), Jul. 2017, Bologna, Italy. TID, UC3M, NEC
47 Jul´17 Energy Consumption Measurements in Docker”, by S. Semu Tadesse, C.-F. Chiasserini, and F. Malandrino, to appear in Proc. IEEE COMPSAC, July 2017, Turin, Italy POLITO
46 Jun´17 Understanding the Present and Future of Cellular Networks through Crowdsourced Traces”, by F. Malandrino, C.-F. Chiasserini, and S. Kirkpatrick, in Proc. IEEE WoWMoM, June 2017, Macao, China POLITO
45 Jun´17 The 5G-Crosshaul Packet Forwarding Element pipeline: measurements and analysis”, by N. Molner, S. González, T. Deiß, and A. de la Oliva, in Proc. CLEEN 2017, June 2017, Turin. Italy UC3M
44 Jun´17 Dataplane measurements on a Fronthaul and Backhaul integrated network”, by T. Deiß et al., Poster presentation at CLEEN 2017, June 2017, Turin. Italy. NOK-N
43 Jun´17 Energy-Efficient 5G Networks: Optimization Meets SDN”, by G. Avino, C. Casetti, C. F. Chiasserini, F. Malandrino, M. Malinverno, Poster presentation at CLEEN 2017, June 2017, Turin. Italy. POLITO
42 Jun´17 Millimeter Wave for 5G Mobile Fronthaul and Backhaul”, by P.-H. Kuo and A. Mourad, in Proc. European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC’17), June 2017, Oulu, Finland IDCC
41 Jun´17 Experimental Evaluation of Hierarchical Control over Multi-Domain Wireless/Optical Networks”, by J. Mangues-Bafalluy, J. Núñez-Martínez, R. Casellas, A. Mayoral, J. Baranda, J. X. Salvat, A. Garcia-Saavedra, R. Vilalta, I. Pascual, X. Li, R. Martinez and R. Muñoz, in Proc. European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC’17), June 2017, Oulu, Finland CTTC
40 Jun´17 Energy Monitoring and Management in 5G Integrated Fronthaul and Backhaul”, by O. I. Abdullaziz1, M. Capitani, C. E. Casetti, C. F. Chiasserini, S. B. Chundrigar, G. Landi, X. Li, F. Moscatelli, K. Sakaguchi, and S. T. Talat, in Proc. European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC’17), June 2017, Oulu, Finland HHI, ITRI, NEC, NXW, POLITO
39 May´17 Novel Resource and Energy Management for 5G Integrated Backhaul/Fronthaul (5G-Crosshaul)”, by X. Li, R. Ferdous, C. F. Chiasserini, C. E. Casetti, F. Moscatelli, G. Landi, R. Casellas, K. Sakaguchi, S. B. Chundrigar, R. Vilalta, J. Mangues, A. Garcia-Saavedra, X. Costa-Pérez, L. Goratti, D. Siracusa, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)- 3rd International Workshop on 5G RAN design, May 2017, Paris, France NEC, NXW, CTTC, CREATE-NET
38 May´17 Enabling 5G network slicing over heterogeneous optical networks”, by R. Casellas, R. Vilalta, R. Martínez, and R. Muñoz, in Proc. Workshop Optical networks for data centres in the 5G era, within the 21st International Conference on Optical Networks Design and Modelling (ONDM2017), Budapest, Hungary, May, 2017. CTTC
37 May´17 “An FPGA-based Design of a Packetized Fronthaul Testbed with IEEE 1588 Clock Synchronization”, by I. Freire, C. Lu, M. Berg, and A. Klautau, in Proc. European Wireless 2017, Dresden, Germany, May 2017. EAB
36 Mar´17 Mobile Fronthaul Architecture and Technologies: a RAN Equipment Assessment”, by P. Chanclou, L. Anet Neto, K. Grzybowski, Z. Tayq, F. Saliou, and N. Genay, in Proc. Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Los Angeles, USA, Mar. 2017. Orange
35 Mar´17 Real Time Demonstration of the Transport of Ethernet Fronthaul based on vRAN in Optical Access Networks”, by Z. Tayq, L. Anet Neto, B. Le Guyader, A. De Lannoy, M. Chouaref, C. Aupetit-Berthelemot, M. N. Anjanappa, S. Nguyen, K. Chowdhury, and P. Chanclou, in Proc. Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Los Angeles, USA, Mar. 2017. Orange
34 Mar´17 “A network sharing mechanism based on multi-operator core network”, by Chia-Lin Lai, Shahzoob Bilal Chundrigar, Samer T. Talat, and Hsien-Wen Chang, in Proc. 38th WWRF Meeting, Hsinchu, Taiwan. ITRI
33 Mar´17 Switch-On/Off Policies for Energy Harvesting Small Cells through Distributed Q-Learning”, by M. Miozzo, L. Giupponi, M. Rossi and P. Dini, in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2nd Workshop on Green and Sustainable 5G Wireless Networks (GRASNET 2), 19-22 March, 2017, San Francisco (CA), USA CTTC
32 Dec´16 How close to the edge? Delay/utilization trends in MEC”, by F. Malandrino, C.F. Chiasserini, S. Kirkpatrick, ACM Cloud-Assisted Networking 2016 co-located with ACM CoNEXT 2016, USA. POLITO
31 Dec´16 Analysis and Evaluation of End-to-End PTP Synchronization for Ethernet-based Fronthaul“, Igor Freire, Ilan Sousa, Igor Almeida, Chenguang Lu, Miguel Berg and Aldebaro Klautau, at GLOBECOM’16, 4-8 December 2016, Washington, DC USA. EAB
30 Nov´16 Innovative TV Broadcasting-related Media Use Case in 5G-Crosshaul H2020 Project”, by D. Jiménez, F. Álvarez, N. Sánchez, Proceedings of New European Media Summit, Porto, 23-24 November, 2016. VISIONA
29  Oct´16 Experimental Evaluation of an SDN-based Distributed Mobility Management Solution“, M. Isabel Sanchez, Antonio de la Oliva and Vincenzo Mancuso, at MobiArch 2016, October 2016, New York, USA.  UC3M
28  Sep´16 On-Demand Allocation of Control Plane Functions via SDN/NFV for Monitoring-enabled Flexi-grid Optical Networks with Programmable BVTs“, R. Casellas, J. M. Fabrega, R. Muñoz, L. Nadal, R. Vilalta, M. Svaluto Moreolo, R. Martínez, in Proceedings of 42nd European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communications, 18-22 September 2016., September 2016.  CTTC
27  Sep´16 Experimental Investigation of Compression with Fixed-length Code Quantization for Convergent Access-Mobile Networks“, L. Anet Neto, P. Chanclou, Z. Tayq, B. C. Zabada, F. Saliou, G. Simon, France.  ORANGE
26  Sep´16 Experimental Real Time AMCC Implementation for Fronthaul in PtP WDM-PON“, Zakaria Tayq, Luiz Anet Neto, Philippe Chanclou, Christelle Aupetit-Berthelemo, France.  ORANGE
25  Sep´16 Performance Demonstration of Real Time Compressed CPRI Transport“, Z. Tayq, A. Quere, L. Anet Neto, P. Chanclou, F. Saliou, K. Grzybowski, C. Aupetit-Berthemelot, Sun Keun Yoo, Sung Eun Hong.  ORANGE
24  Sep´16 Efficient Multimedia Broadcast for Heterogeneous Users in Cellular Networks”, by C. Singhal, CF. Chiasserini, CE. Casetti, accepted at the 12th IEEE International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing (IWCMC 2016), Paphos, Cyprus, September 5-9, 2016.  POLITO
23 Aug´16 “FPGA-Based Testbed for Synchronization on Ethernet Fronthaul with Phase Noise Measurement,” by I. Freire, I. Sousa, I. Almeida, C. Lu, M. Berg and A. Klautau, in Proc. 1st International Symposium on Instrumentation Systems, Circuits and Transducers (INSCIT), August 2016, Brazil. (Best paper award) EAB
22  Jul´16 SDN/NFV Orchestration of Multi-technology and Multi-domain Networks in Cloud/Fog Architectures for 5G Services“, Ricard Vilalta, Arturo Mayoral, Ramon Casellas, Ricardo Martínez, Raul Muñoz, Castelldefels, Spain.  CTTC
21  Jul´16 The Price of Fog: a Data-Driven Study on Caching Architectures in Vehicular Networks”, by F. Malandrino, CF. Chiasserini, S. Kirkpatrick, accepted at the ACM MobiHoc Workshop on Internet of Vehicles and Vehicles of Internet (IoV-VoI), Paderborn, Germany.  POLITO
20  Jun´16 Innovations Through 5G-Crosshaul Applications”, by Xi Li et al., at EUCNC’16, Athens, Greece.  NEC, NEXTWORKS, CTTC, POLITO, ATOS, CREATE-NET, VISIONA, TID
19  Jun´16 5G-Crosshaul: Towards a Unified Data-Plane for 5G Transport Networks”, by L. Cominardi, J. Baranda, D. Larrabeiti, F. Cavaliere, P. Chanclou, J. Gomes, A. Di Giglio, P. Ödling, HW. Chang, at EUCNC’16, Athens, Greece.  IDCC, UC3M, CTTC, TI, TEI, ORANGE, LUND, ITRI, HHI
 18  Jun´16 Orchestration of Crosshaul Slices From Federated Administrative Domains”, by LM. Contreras, CJ. Bernardos, A. de la Oliva, X. Costa, R. Guerzoni, at EUCNC 2016, Athens, Greece.  TID, NEC, UC3M, CTTC
 17  Jun´16 Packet Forwarding for Heterogeneous Technologies for Integrated Fronthaul/Backhaul”, by T. Deiss et al., at EUCNC 2016, Athens, Greece.  NOKIA, UC3M, NEC,IDCC, TEI, NXW
 16  Jun´16 Fronthaul Performance Demonstration in a WDM-PON-Based Convergent Network“, by Z. Tayq et al., at EuCNC2016, Athens, Greece.  ORANGE
 15  Jun´16 Downlink Transmit Power Setting in LTE HetNets with Carrier Aggregation”, Zby ZI. Fazliu, CF. Chiasserini, GM. Dell’Aera, at Seventeenth International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WOWMOM) 2016, Coimbra, Portugal. Best paper award.  POLITO, TI
 14  Jun´16 WiseHAUL: An SDN-empowered Wireless Small Cell Backhaul testbed“, Jby J. Núñez-Martínez, J. Baranda, I. Pascual, J. Mangues-Bafalluy, Seventeenth International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WOWMOM) 2016, Coimbra, Portugal.  CTTC
 13  May´16 Markovian Models of Solar Power Supply for a LTE Macro BS”, by G. Leonardi, M. Meo, M. Ajmone Marsan, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  POLITO
 12  May´16 Dynamic Strict Fractional Frequency Reuse for Software-Defined 5G Networks”, by Anteneh A. Gebremariam, Tingnan Bao, Domenico Siracusa, T. Rasheed, F. Granelli and L. Goratti, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  CREATE-NET
 11  May´16 Time-Domain Precoding for LTE-over-Copper Systems“, by Y. Huang, E. Medeiros, T. Magesacher, S. Host, C. Lu, P. Eriksson, P. Odling and P. Ola Borjesson, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  ULUND, EAB
 10  May´16 Orchestration of IT/Cloud and Networks: From Inter-DC Interconnection to SDN/NFV 5G Services“, R. Casellas, R. Muñoz, R. Vilalta, R.Martínez, at 20th Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM 2016), Cartagena, Spain.  CTTC
 9  Mar´16 Performance Demonstration of Fiber and Wireless Fronthaul Combination with Remote Powering” by Z. Tayq et al. OFC 2016, Los Angeles, California (USA)  ORANGE
 8  Mar´16 Hierarchical SDN Orchestration of Wireless and Optical Networks with E2E Provisioning and Recovery for Future 5G Networks”, by R. Vilalta et al., at the Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC), Anaheim, California (USA)  CTTC
 7  Jan´16 Mobility-Aware Edge Caching for Connected Cars“, Mahmood, A; Casetti, C; Chiasserini, C.F; Giaccone, P; Härri, Jérôme, was presented at the 12th Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services Conference (WONS) 2016, Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy.  POLITO
 6  Jan´16 A System-level Assessment of Uplink CoMP in LTE-A Heterogeneous Networks”, by MT Sanij, Claudio Casetti, at 13th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, USA.  POLITO
 5  Jan´16 Coexistence of IEEE 802.11n and Licensed-Assisted Access devices using Listen-before-Talk techniques”, by Claudio Casetti, at 13th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, USA.  POLITO
 4  Nov´15 What role for Photonics in Xhaul Networks of 5G systems?”, by P. Castoldi, L. Valcarenghi, F. Cugini, F. Cavaliere, P. Iovanna, at Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, Hong Kong.  TEI
 3  Nov´15 A Service-based model for the Hybrid Software Defined Wireless Mesh Backhaul of Small Cells”, José Núñez Martínez, Jorge Baranda, Josep Mangues-Bafalluy, accepted for publication at IEEE Conference on Network Service Management (CNSM), Barcelona, Spain.  CTTC
 2  Oct´15 “Future Generation of Wireless Communication Systems: requirements and open issues”, by F. Testa, F. Cavaliere, R. Sabella, at Microwave Photonics workshop at ECOC 2015, Valencia, Spain.  TEI
 1  Sep´15 Outage Probability of Beamforming for Multiuser MIMO Relay Networks with Interference”, by S. Zhou, G. Alfano, C.F. Chiasserini, A. Nordio, accepted for publication at IEEE APWC, Turin, Italy.  POLITO